Founder and C.E.O
Andrew grew up in Stratford Ontario, and from an early age, learned the value of a good sense of humour. He spent his days at school making people laugh (and perhaps learning a thing or two) and his nights learning to play the bass guitar, writing, and dreaming of what his future may hold. Throughout his childhood he was a veracious reader (of everything from the Lord of the Rings, to Russian history). This love for reading eventually blossomed into a passion for writing. Writing stories eventually led to writing screen plays and scripts after his first film class.
In 8th grade he approached his parents with the idea of going to his father’s alma mater, Luther College High School (In Regina Saskatchewan). This meant that Andrew would have to spend four years living in the Luther residence. His extremely supportive parents agreed to his proposition, and Andrew spent his high school years at Luther, living in the dormitory. It was during his second year at Luther that Andrew would meet Brad Pederson (Chief Operations Officer and generally an OK guy). The rules in the dorms were quite strict, so in order to have a ‘normal’ high school experience, he was forced to use his creativity, resourcefulness and charm to circumvent the rules. Four years honed these characteristics and have heavily influenced Andrew’s approach to filmmaking.
After High School Andrew attended Wilfrid Laurier University pursuing a degree in English and film studies. However, Andrew quickly learned that his true passion was for actually making movies (and not just studying them). So he began to seek out mentors in the film industry. After working with the guidance of his mentors Andrew stepped out on his own to start Prehistoric Productions in January 2011. After 2 years of working alone, Brad reached out to Andrew with an opportunity to film some concert footage for a band in Saskatoon. Brad suggested enlisting the help of his friend Francois, who was attending film school at the time and happened to be back home on break. It was this first project that brought the team together and Andrew to Saskatoon.